Merry Christmas!

As a special gift for my Purple Magicians, I have created this songbook of holiday songs for you to enjoy and challenge yourself. Grown-ups, please print the file and put the pages in a binder for your child to start this year and continue to enjoy for years to come. The front and back pages are the binder covers to be placed in the clear front and back of a 1/2" binder.

I hope you enjoy the challenge of the new music and if it's too tricky right now, that's ok! Set it aside and try again next year. You will be amazed at what you can play after a few more months of learning!

I am so proud of you and all that you have learned so far in our musical journey together. Keep working hard and if you learn any of these new songs please send me a Marco Polo so I can see and applaud your efforts!

Merry Christmas!
Ms. Jen

Welcome to the Studio! 

I am excited to start a new class of Let's Play Music and looking forward to meeting new faces and hugging familiar ones!

Parent orientation is this week! Come learn all of the exciting things your child will learn this year and get tips and hints to help make this the smoothest year yet! Check your email or contact me for the studio address.

1st Year: 6-6:45pm

2nd Year: 7-7:30pm

3rd Year: 7:45-8:15pm

Get Ready for Gold Stars!

Is your toddler ready to sing, play and learn? Join us in Gold Stars, the spring semester of Sound Beginnings, where this fun new curriculum is specifically designed for ages 0-4 and a parent. By providing a solid music and preschool foundation, Sound Beginnings prepares students for success in Let’s Play Music and Kindergarten! The curriculum is organized into six non-sequential semesters where each semester is four months long and provides experience with important music concepts and skills through songs and games. Classes include singing, movement, games, stories, and activities, focusing on different concepts each semester. We explore all the elements of music: rhythm, pitch, harmony, form, dynamics and tone color. Students are encouraged to sing, play simple percussion instruments, listen, and move to music. Children are exposed to music vocabulary and music notation. Specific concepts and skills taught include in-tune singing, timbre, beat, playing simple percussion instruments, fast/slow, theme and form, counting, primary colors, name-recognition, and much more! Ready to sign up? Click HERE to register now!

Pink Piggies joins our studio!

I am SO excited to add the Pink Piggies semester to our Sound Beginnings line-up this fall! It is a new curriculum for the Sound Beginnings classes (for children ages 0-4 and a caregiver) and it is adorable.

Join us for a FREE sample class of the fun we will have this semester! The free sample class will be held on Thursday, August 3rd at 10:00am in my home studio. Please contact me to RSVP for this fun class!

Ms. Jen's Studio Recital 2017

What a great night! Congratulations to all who participated and for everyone who did their very best!